Thursday, June 5, 2008

If you shop online, consider shopping through PetGive

Check out this Web site: PetGive. If you shop through their portal, the stores of your choice will donate a portion of your sales to the pet charity of your choice. It's worth a look. I've been buying a lot of books online lately, and I will go through this site the next time I want to buy something from Barnes & Noble!



Anonymous said...

I love online shopping and I will certainly check out this web site.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thank you for adding us! A lot of people are catching on to PetGive now and we are raising a lot of money for animals in need out there. Please tell everyone you know, have them register. Every purchase made helps save lives! It's simple - lets you do your regular online shopping and lets you help animals in need at the same time. Buying that new pair of jeans may help you look great, but now you can feel great also. PetGive allows you to have proceeds from your regular online shopping be donated directly to pet related charities of your choice, including major national charities and small local groups.

Retail participants include great sites you use all the time like,,,, and hundreds more in nearly every category, like tech products, home goods, travel (including airlines) and clothing, they are all there.

So, the next time you need anything, from a pair of socks to a new television, go through and help save an animal’s life!