Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays and an Update on Our Place to Paws

As we face 2013 at Our Place to Paws (which is really just the home office of the site's founder, Faye Rapoport DesPres), we wanted to wish everyone who checks in on the site or the blog Happy Holidays, and good wishes for the coming year.

Our original purpose in creating Our Place to Paws was to publish photography, articles, and information related to both pets and wildlife, and to nurture a community of online animal lovers. Since the early days of the website, however, the Internet has exploded with content, including many sites dedicated to animals. Most of these sites have more funding, more access to content and technology, and more staff available to keep them going. They also have advertising, something Our Place to Paws failed to attract because the humble founder never had the sales personality necessary to ask anyone for any :-).

After the initial three years, as demand for continuously changing content and updated technology such as RSS feeds, flash content, and e-commerce increased, we simply didn't have the funding or following to update the site on a regular basis. But we hope you enjoy what's there, and if there's interest, we'll update the site now and then if we can, and will at least keep the blog alive.

Our Place to Paws does have an active Facebook group with quite a few dedicated followers. So if you love animals and enjoy what you found on the site, join us on Facebook!

May 2013 be peaceful, healthy, and happy for all.

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