Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Urgent call to Action from Defenders of Wildlife

I just tried to call and was put on hold, so I'm passing this on for now so others get the news:

As soon as tomorrow, Interior Secretary Kempthorne is expected to announce the elimination of federal protections for hundreds of endangered wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

Please take a moment right now to call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-WILD (9453) and deliver this simple message:

“My name is _____________ and I’m calling from City, State. I understand that the federal government may remove wolves in the Greater Yellowstone and Central Idaho regions tomorrow from the list of federally protected threatened and endangered species.

I want your department to know that I strongly oppose the weakening of protections for these wolves and expect you to fulfill your obligation to secure a lasting future in the Northern Rockies for these amazing animals.”

The lives of hundreds of wolves are at stake. Please call tonight before 8 PM Eastern Time or first thing tomorrow morning.

In a matter of hours, newspapers across the country could be reporting on the Bush/Cheney Administration's expected announcement … and its potentially devastating impact on some of America’s most beloved wolves.

But today I need your help to let these federal officials know that Americans love our wolves and want to see them protected.

Please call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-WILD (9453) and speak out for our wolves. Leave a message if you can, and remember to let us know that you called.


Rodger Schlickeisen

PresidentDefenders of Wildlife

P.S. Stay tuned tomorrow for more details on this breaking news and Defenders of Wildlife’s action plan to save these wolves…

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