Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Local Effort To Help Pets Affected By California Wildfires

Ohio says it's entering its peak time for forest fires, and can't spare a single firefighter if California asks for help fighting its raging wildfires. Another emerging emergency is with pets and large animals effected by the fire.

Cincinnati is 2,200 miles from San Diego, but here they are already looking to help animals left homeless by the fires. Read more here.

Wildfires: Evacuating Man's Best Friends
Some Animals Moved To Beaches; Pets In Parking Lots With Owners

Rescuers race flames to save pets, livestock

Story Highlights
Animal services: "We're doing the best we can to keep ahead of the flames"
Officers looking for animals left in evacuated areas
Many shelters taking in animals along with people
Humane Society: Not a repeat of Katrina

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