Friday, October 19, 2007

Straight from Defenders of Wildlife

Dear Faye,

Everybody needs a home -- especially grizzly bears and other wildlife that depend on habitat in our National Forests to survive.

But a proposal introduced in August by the Bush/Cheney Administration would dismantle vital protections for our National Forests and grasslands and eliminate key federal protections for all wildlife in those areas… including the still-struggling grizzly bear.

We have just a short time to stop this awful plan.
Send a message to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service right now, and urge federal officials to abandon their latest regulatory assault on the National Forest Management Act.

Earlier this year, the grizzlies in the Yellowstone region were removed from the list of species protected under the Endangered Species Act. However, these beloved bears could be right back on the fast-track to extinction if federal officials move forward with their proposed changes to the rules implementing the National Forest Management Act.

These changes would do away with essential wildlife viability standards that have protected grizzlies, wolves and other forest animals for more than 20 years, limit public input on forest planning decisions and exempt forest plans from meaningful environmental review.

The result: more destructive logging and other activities on our National Forests and grasslands and fewer grizzlies and other wildlife.

The public comment period on this awful proposal ends Monday, October 22nd, so please take action now to stop this terrible plan and protect our forest wildlife.

The grizzly isn’t the only animal threatened by this proposal. Unless we prevail, wolves, wolverines, elk, salmon and many other species could all suffer.

Please take action right now. We owe it to tomorrow’s conservationists to protect our grizzlies and other wildlife today.


Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

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